Friday, 17 March 2017

A week of disaster

TGIF lovelies!

I am so grateful for the rain we received this week, and I can only pray for more 🙏🏻 
We are certainly in taxing times where acts of God have caused serious havoc in our community. The drought, the devastating fire over the weekend, and the extreme wind which cancelled the Argus Cycle tour, have all combined to shock us out of oblivion. 
Whilst all these occurrences are out of our hands, it is in fact a wake up call to society to become conscious of what is important, and how the constant pursuance of power and humdrum of daily routine have blinded us to the importance of the fundamentals of life. 
The pillars & principles of my religion are based on the fundamentals: 
Faith, Belief and accepting a Higher Power,  Being Charitable, Striving for a spiritual connection with the Divine and attempting to live life as the best version of ourselves, in the same manner as the last Prophet (PBUH). And regardless of whether you practise the same religion as mine, or are not religious; the fundamentals centre around being true to oneself, being aware of our interaction and impact in society and serving others authentically.

Since the fire in Hout Bay, I have been walking around with a very heavy heart, made somewhat lighter by the swift co-ordination of aid for those affected by the fire. It is heartwarming to see our city come out, dig deep and find something, and any way that they would be able to offer assistance. People have enlisted the help of friends, family and colleagues for the collection of food, clothing, medical supplies etc. I truly believe that the way a community takes care of its needy is a reflection of  that society, and it is encouraging to see the continuous actions of our citizens in pulling together for the affected families. 

My kids have come home and turned out wardrobes, my youngest has opened the pantry looking for non-perishable food, he has even gone through his soccer ball stash saying that he's sure it will cheer up the kids to play with a ball while they don't have a place to call to home. The horror of what it must be like to have your world go up in smoke overnight has affected him,  and he has been expressing concern for these kids every day since. He's been asking important questions: "How long will it take to rebuild homes?" , "How do they use bathroom facilities?"  and "It must be so scary not knowing what's going to happen the next day!" His biggest concern is for the kids because he has had to imagine his own world going up in smoke and how it would affect his stability, his sense of safety and security of knowing what life will bring. It has brought a sense of clarity for him (in fact all the kids), of what is really important and what is a privilege. It has reinforced their sense of gratitude, compassion and empathy (all very important traits to have in our current society!)
An important lesson fro them to learn from a disaster in our immediate community and not from preaching parents!

Today's lookpost features a matchy tropical print shirt and pants combo from A Sense Of Style,  aiming to capture the last of Summer in this colourful ensemble. The outfit was pulled together with a bright turban, fringed bag and classic sneakers.

Outfit details:

A Sense Of Style shirt and pants
Country Road scarf
H&M fringed bag
Adidas ZA Stan Smith sneakers
Crystal Paradise pearl necklace
Witchery earrings

Ciao for now, 
RuBe xoxo

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