Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Eid and the week before

Oh heavens! This week has been a total rush, after realising that there was so much I still needed to do.
It started with a seminar at the Crystal Towers hotel, one of those financial ones, which just seems to go on and and on....
Eid was a few days away and I still had lots of running around to do.  Buying new Eid clothes for my youngest (Ihsaan) was first on the list, the only one who will still wear whatever I come home with. At least I can still have some fun with him especially with the gorgeous new trends and great kiddies stores to choose from. He also loves anything new!

Eid morning dawned, with really dull weather! Oh what a disaster- the outfit bought for Ihsaan whilst it was super trendy was also really bright. Nonetheless, he loved it and thought he could brave the cold with his brightly checked summer shirt. It only lasted about an hour, then he decided, he would wear his favourite denim shirt over his checked one. It actually worked out pretty well!
Ihsaan contemplating the weather

Earthchild skinny berry pants|ZARA neon checked summer shirt |Earthchild denim shirt and Nike hi-tops
The boys & good friends...still looking fresh!

Just a snippet of the delicacies on offer
I usually cook a dish, add it to the dishes my mom-in-law has made, and we enjoy lunch as a family. This is a big deal, there are 14 of us, and whilst any meal together feels festive, Eid lunch is just that much more special. The food, atmosphere and children all high on sugar by 12 o clock certainly adds that “special” feel!

Or they could be exhausted half way through the day!
Being the Mum (and cook), I had a morning outfit to complement the kitchen duties, something simple but elegant at the same time. We always have a busy morning at home, although the weather seemed to have kept all the neighbours at bay!

My morning outfit;

Satin print circle skirt| black embellished ZARA t-shirt| Nine West nude pumps| necklace by Lovisa

Eid is always lovely, spending time with family, and remembering those performing Hajj (pilgrimage).  It’s also an important time to remind the kids to be thankful for such loving families and to be mindful of their advantages.
End of the day photo booth!

 My afternoon Eid outfit:
Silk Trenery print dress| Country Road Wool Cardigan, Fish net stockings| Nine West Nude pumps| Honey Necklace

Cream Patent Leather Slinbag with chain and ribbon detail: Charles & Keith

My other half and I ... looking very tired!


RuBe xoxo
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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Losing anonymity- unveiling the familia

Until now, my blog has been relatively quiet and on the down-low, aside from hubby and one or two friends who have seen it. This is mainly because it feels good to blog anonymously, you can be as bad or good  as you like and it wouldn’t matter!
Of course this is not the way it works, especially when one has an incredibly supportive/ involved family, where there are no (or very few secrets)!  I originate from such a family- it’s always a good thing to know that everyone cares, however when you are still on this new path and very unsure of yourself, it’s a bit disquieting (knowing that they are checking up on you!). So, thanks to hubby for advertising the blog on Facebook, my sister for following suit, thereby ensuring more readers and a little bit of pressure to update regularly…
So let’s start with an introduction to my immediate family, a hubby (Ghaalid) who is an absolute gem- always supportive and my biggest fan. I have three busy boys- all with different personalities, their ages 14, 12 and 8 (also huge fans). It’s a blessing having had my kids so early, as I now have the energy to keep up with them. Or should be able to!
The 4 men in my life

My 14 year old, Ziyaad is a typical teenager- at times happy and carefree only thinking of fashion and shopping (his favourite pastime!) and at other times morose and uninterested. He’s even discovered online shopping and tirelessly browses Mr Price’s online store… best to keep my latest purchase hidden from him!

Ziyaad 'sleeping' off the shopping exhaustion!

The 12 year old, Ameer is a sensitive, mischievous youngster who certainly keeps me on my toes! If anything, he ensures that life in our house is not boring- it includes visits to the principal’s office and trips to the emergency room for stitches!
Ameer celebrating a win at bowling

My baby, 8 year old Ihsaan is a vibrant little chatterbox and so inquisitive that I feel as if I answer a million questions per day! We call him our “ou mannetjie” (old man) since he’s so fussy, with his neatly arranged wardrobe and drawers, to regular washing of hands! He also absolutely loves board games, and has a preference for MonopolyJ
Ihsaan having a bit of fun on V & A

The thing is: they are all the light of my life… these four “men” who keep me sane, drive me insane at times, and above all teach me the joys of living each day.
Looking very  happy at the prospect of some ice cream after bowling
Mom you can do it- just choose the right ball....
Hmmm which one should I choose?

Ciao for now,
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Sunday, 21 October 2012

Breakfast, Casual Friday and Pinktober

This blogging thing is rather addictive, I think of so many things to “blog” about, prepare to do so, and end up reading all the interesting blogs that have been updated,  forgetting my own!

This week has been really crazy, I have been in and out of client meetings,  playing soccer mom and attending breakfasts, lunches and suppers in between.  I attended a very inspiring breakfast on Friday, where the guest speaker was Monique Strydom, the SA tourist who was held captive along with her husband in the Philippine jungle for 4 months. She is an amazing woman, who after 12 years can share this horrific experience with strangers using a touch of humour. I learnt many important lessons, the most important one is the ability to try to maintain a positive mental attitude (PMA) regardless of your external situations – as such having control over your reactions to circumstances. This is such a simple yet profound lesson, as it can be refer to anyone, children and adults alike. I will endeavor to keep this in mind when dealing with what life throws my way.

I also received my package from Asos UK arrived. Yay! I’m really happy with this online purchase: two maxi dresses on their sale. The only downfall of buying on this site is the high customs duty.  Pics of these put together in an outfit will follow as soon as the weather permits.

I am slowly putting together pics to upload to the blog, and its taking a lot longer than I anticipated.

As a start, here’s my casual Friday outfit from last week…

Jacket: Sass (bought online via Zando)|Jeans : ZARA|Tank top: Mr Price,|Belt: Mr Price|Platform peeptoes: Nine West |Bag: Paul's Boutique (bought online)|Necklace: Woolworths.

And another for a lunch meeting at Colcacchio’s (they serve the most divine pizzas!)

Embroidered Linen Blazer (bought so long ago- I can’t remember the store!),|Country Road drape T-shirt| Country Road Slim black trousers| Footworx Leopard heels,|Blackcherry Sling bag (with fur and gold plate detail)

Pink breast cancer awareness arm band for a cause that’s close to my heart.  I’m supporting Pinktober in all earnestness this month, including the pink ribbon.

Ciao for now,

Rube xoxo         

Photos: Asos, 36 Boutiques
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Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Selfridges London - December Sale
So I'm still familiarising myself with the blogging world, having been too busy recently to write anything aside from financial  reports or proposals, it's rather daunting writing on a public platform . I thought I would start blogging by showing a pic of one of my favourite shopping spots- Selfridges London. The moment I entered was faced with the hustle and bustle of London December sale shopping, I felt like I was home!!!
The beautiful clothes, people, jewellery kiosks, beauty departments and the food hall! Absolutely divine!  Whilst I believe in good shopping, and finding value for money, the items I acquired were classic pieces which would be a basic for any fashionistas closet.
The experience is one not found in any of our department stores and I am hopeful we will have it soon... Although, locally one can have an awesome experience at Zara, Stuttafords, Forever New and more recently some nicely decked out Mr Price stores .
Any tips on blogging and getting followers will be appreciated...
For now, my must item that I am craving and dying to find the, mint lace blazer, incorporating all the trends- the pastel colour in lace! I'm loving it!

Ciao for now!!
RuBe xx 

Jacket pic: Foschini 
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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

My intro to Blogging

 I am a creative soul employed in a full time finance job, and feel the need to vent some of my creative frustrations through the start of this blog.
My favourite pastime is perusing the recent fashion pages, trawling fashion sites and reading up on new fashions. It is great to see what is happening in fashion in SA as wellas all over the world. I enjoy travelling and buying new things, from bags and heels to dresses and even home décor. In fact, all things beautiful inspire me: flowers, beautiful landscapes, art, jewellery and the list goes on…
I also enjoy cooking, writing, reading (anything from blogs to novels to financial mail!), travelling, family holidays, browsing art galleries/sites, museums and listening to music.  
I'm still new at this and not sure how to get new followers so any help will be appreciated! I love all the blogs I have read recently and particularly enjoy the beautiful outfits, and inspiring words!
So now I am part of the blogging community that keeps me glued to my iPad, iPhone, laptop....

Ciao for now,
RuBe Reloaded
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