Thursday, 31 October 2013

Liebster Awards continued…

Hi All,

I have been nominated once again for this honorary award by two lovely bloggers, Ivy from Bridge ’91 and Priyanka fromPurple Sparklez. See my previous post on the Liebster award here

It warms my heart to be nominated so many times which shows that my blog is being read, Yay!!

So this time around, I will be answering the questions set, but since I have previously nominated blogs, I will side step that requirement. At least you’ll get to know a little more about me ;-D

Right onto the questions,

Priyanka’s questions:
  1. What is your dream beauty product or hair styling tool? YSL, Volume Effet Faux Cils Mascara

  1. What is the best part of being a beauty blogger?   I unfortunately am not a beauty fundi, just generally buying whatever looks like the colours I want. Eep!
  1. If you had an unlimited bank balance, what would you purchase? Uhmm, a pair of Casadei Jewelled courts… to just walk into London’s Selfridges Shoe Galleries and buy them. 
Photo courtesy of Selfridges website

  1. Are you a matte lipstick person or a crème lipstick person? Creme Lipstick
  2. If you were a perfume, what fragrance would you be? (Try for one which matches your personality) Juicy Couture by Juicy Couture. Its fun, sophisticated with  sparkly undertones.
  3. Which electronic item can you not live without? (Cellphone, iPad, Tablet, Laptop or Computer)  Cellphone hands down… aside from calls it has everything my calendar, reminders, notes….
  4. Would you rather spend your last R100 on a beauty product or a bath product? Bath product, as I said before, I’m not a beauty expert at all.
  5. Which are the 5 most used beauty products in your daily routine? Face serum, moisturiser, body butter, mascara and perfume
  6. How can you describe your make up look? Minimal most of the time B-)
  7. What is your favourite flavour of ice cream? Choc Mint
  8. If you could invent a beauty product, what would it be? Well,… this is a hard one. Probably a Sleep-in overnight body moisture mask.. hee hee. My skin takes such a beating in winter  so like the foot treatment, but a body treatment! I actually don’t know if such a product exists?
 And now for Ivy’s questions:

1. What made you start your blog? I felt the need to share my passion for fashion, that and the need to  express myself through writing. Kind of my public journal. 
2. Which Spice Girl were you? and Why? I wasn’t really a Spice Girl Fan, but I am a Victoria Beckham fan now, does that count?
3. Harry Potter or Twilight? (Sorry, I just had to.) Harry Potter of Course! I believe vampires should be dark and broody and not lovestruck?
4. Do you often use words that you've made up? If so, share! Not really, does that make me lame?
5. What annoys you most?Waiting in queues, and traffic! Aaargh ! I always feel like I could be doing more with my time.
6. Is there anything in particular that inspires you when choosing topics for blog posts?  Oh just about anything that happens….
7. Complete the sentence: I am lost without my faith and my family. Now that answer may just make me lame? But that’s me… 
8. Who would win a war against dementors? Android, IOS, or RIM(Sorry I just had to, again). IOS, Apple has invaded my life!
9. Have you ever stolen a car? Would you? No… I may just be persuaded… Ah who am I kidding? NO :-)
10. The most appropriate punishment for spammers is (I have a soft heart, so couldn’t think of one single awful thing they deserve! Maybe just forced to be locked in a room listening to Barry Manilow?
11. You can’t leave the house without Dettol handwipes, because you never know what germs lurk out there.
She is fashion perfection

That was rather fun… I think it also exposes me as a lame ass Harry Potter buff who is tied to her family! 

Ciao for now,
RuBe xoxo

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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Turban tutorial

Hello again lovely readers!

Since I started trying my hand at turbans and scarf wrapping, it has become easier and easier with practice. And whilst I am by no means an expert, due to a few requests, I have decided to post a shot tutorial. (I hope it can assist some ladies out there)

Step 1:

Since most ladies use the flower clip, which I do not own and cannot use as it cannot clip onto my short hair; I have used my sock bun doughnut instead to keep the turban in place. (And to give it a little shape)

Step 2:

I then tie a small non-slip scarf around my head and the bun. This ensures that the top scarf stays in place and does not slip. I don't usually do this step as I am always in a hurry... so this is an optional step but useful if the fabric of your top scarf is rather slippery.

Step 3:

Tie the scarf around your head and bring the two ends around to the top

Step 4: (Also optional)

In this instance I chose to add a headband for a little bit of glamour. Add the headband before wrapping the two ends around the bun area.

Step 5:

Wrap the two ends around the head and bring the ends to the back and secure by tying into a knot.

Step 6:

Tuck in the loose ends and Voila!

If the ends are long enough, tie it into a bow on the side or leave a loose piece down the one side for variations.

I hope this post was useful to some ladies, and as I mentioned previously I am really not an expert and also finding my way in the scarf wrapping world. 

Good luck!

Ciao for now, 
RuBe xoxo
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Monday, 21 October 2013

Eid Celebrations

The lead up to this Eid has been a whirlwind of activity, with our siblings on pilgrimage and helping to look after our cutey pie niece; the day literally snuck up on me! I'm fortunate enough to be home to run the errands on the last minute and finish my baking and prepare for Eid lunch. Just one of the perks of being a stay-at-home Mum, I suppose.

Its always such a wonderful day, and it's the significance of this day as much as spending time with loved ones that makes it really special. This year, the knowledge that my siblings were amongst the two million pilgrims added a different and more personal dimension to the days significance. It really felt as if we were experiencing this amazing spiritual journey with them. Our days were peppered with constant Watsapp messages and photos leading up to the culmination of their pilgrimage.

Our day in pictures:

Taking a break from kitchen duties

The husby and I... only photo opp at the end of the day!

It's a day spent running around visiting family 

Boys with their aunts.. family kids in the background

These two aunts babysat that tall boy when he was a baby!

Outfit details:

Dress by Kiss My Heels
Mesh top (made by me)
Nine West heels
Earrings by Lovisa
Woolworths embellished scarf
Sawants Headband  
Mango Sling bag
Chain belt old

Ciao for now,
RuBe xoxo

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Friday, 18 October 2013

Liebster award nomination

Hello beautiful readers :-D

I feel so honoured to have been nominated twice this week for the Liebster award by two lovely bloggers, Naeema from The Jam Jar and Faeema from The Sparkling Labyrinth. It's fitting too as I realised this week that my blog is a year old! Whoo hoo!!

This Liebster award makes me feel as if readers and fellow bloggers actually enjoy reading my ramblings, so thank you once again ladies!

The Rules:
  1. Have 200 or less followers
  2. No tag backs
  3. You have to choose 10 bloggers to tag
  4. Set 11 questions for those bloggers to answer
I think its a great idea as you get to know more about your fellow bloggers and they about you: 

So here goes, with Faeema's questions first:

1. How often do you read other blogs?  "At random times, but at least 3-4 times a week"

2. What is your favourite topic to blog about? "Fashion"


3. When do you usually write posts? 'In the mornings, when the kids have gone to school ;-D"

4. Your favourite social media platform? "Twitter!"

5. Recommend one blog that you personally love reading? "Lucky Loves"

6. Tag a fellow blogger who supported you in your journey as a newbie " Odette from O So Inspired"

7. What has been a highlight for you as a blogger? "Meeting so many lovely people along the way"

8. Describe your blog " Whilst my main topic is fashion, it includes so many other things that happen in my life. So I blog about things I do, love or find interesting"

9. What is your favourite book? " I love reading, so it would probably be one of my most current reads which left an impression. That would be the historical novel, The Kingmakers daughter, by Philippa Gregory."

10. Do you have any pets? " Yes, a cat called Twinkles"

And now for Naeema's questions:

1.While you are writing a blog post, which position is most comfortable?  "Sitting up, with the Macbook on my lap :-D"

2. What do you listen to while blogging? "Usually TV news for background noise"

3. Which beauty item is your holy grail? "Elizabeth Arden, 8 hour Face Sunscreen"

4. What's your favourite tv show? "Currently CSI and Fringe"

5. If you had to pick between a muffin and a cupcake, which one would you take? "Neither, I enjoy savouries, unless I could choose a savoury cheese muffin?"

6. How many times have you burnt yourself with a hot styling tool? Never, hardly use them, my hair is too limp *sad face*

7. If you could be any Disney character, which one would you be? and Why? "Ariel, The Little Mermaid. Because she made a huge sacrifice for love... I would sacrifice anything for my loved ones. I suppose that's the mom in me lol"

8. Horror? Comedy? Action? Thriller? Romcom? "Hands down HORROR!!! Although my husband aka movie partner would disagree."

9. Fill in the missing words: I would rather "hunt down a lion" than "eat oats! Eeeww "

10. If you could have anything made in your honour, what would it be? and Why? "Shoes! Do I need to explain how much I love shoes? Really?"


11. Coca-Cola or Pepsi or ________? Coke Light LOL and only when we go out, I hardly drink fizzy drinks. I have to set an example for the kids to follow. Hence no fizzy drinks in our home ;-)

I would hereby like to nominate (tag) the following blogs for a Liebster award:

  1. Odette from O So Inspired
  2. Aneesa from The GLam Locket 
  3. Imka from Glamorous Glitter
  4. Farzaanah Xana Do Blog
  5. Iptishaam from Stitched the Blog
  6. Bronwyn from Mother City Mom
  7. Charlene from Pretty Please!
  8. Nicole from Princess Noo
  9. Namreen from Life and times of the fireflies
  10. Irina from I'll take it all

My questions are:
  1. What is your favourite holiday destination?
  2. Do you have a bucket list? If so, name one thing on your bucket list.
  3. What is the one thing in your handbag you cannot leave home without? (Besides the cellphone and wallet)
  4. What inspired you to start blogging?
  5. Would you leave home without makeup?
  6. What is your all time favourite movie?
  7. What do you do to relax before bedtime?
  8. Who is your hottie crush? (Mine is Hugh Jackman, followed closely by Ryan Gosling)
  9. Your favourite item in your closet at the moment?
  10. What is your favourite animal?

That's it! Lets get tagging....

Ciao for now, 
RuBe xoxo
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Saturday, 12 October 2013

Floral Graduation celebrations

Last month my father-in-law achieved an amazing milestone, he graduated as a Doctor of Philosophy. He is an eternal scholar, an amazing role model and a wonderful dad and grandfather. He bears testimony to the age-old adage that one is never too old to learn; and embodies the saying: "The education of a man is never completed until he dies", by Robert E. Lee. Our dad inspires us to be the best that one can be and to continually seek self-improvement through knowledge.

I totally subscribe to this philosophy and will strive to pass this credo onto my kids, Inshallah (God willing). I can only hope to be as good an example as he is.

It was therefore fitting to celebrate his achievement at one of  his favourite restaurants, Pigalle. Since my sister in law and her hubby are in Mecca on pilgrimage, there were twelve of us (although they were sorely missed). It was an unusually chilly weekend for spring, and the previous night was his ceremony at the university was absolutely freezing! Brrr!!!

My choice of outfit for the evening was a floral Mango dress, with my imported leather jacket.

His first time at a fancy restaurant and he was so impressed! 
Dad and his boys

These two are growing past me!

Mom and baba
I wore:

Mango dress
Asos Jacket
Falke tights
Nine West heels
Mango sling bag
Scarf by Old Khaki
Witchery leather cuff
Sass Diva earrings
Pringle leather gloves

Ciao for now,

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Friday, 4 October 2013

Zando Blogger Breakfast #ShowLab

Last week I was fortunate enough to attend the bloggers breakfast hosted by Zando at their headquarters. Upon arriving we were treated to omelettes made by the fabulous Designer Omelettes team who are based at The Old Biscuit Mill (another one of my favourite spots).

A quick background to Zando: they started a little over a year ago and have gone from strength to strength. I have always been pro online shopping, so when the Zando ads were flighted, I was really keen to see the offering. At first, a few pairs of shoes were available and nothing quite interested me, however, after a few months the offering had grown exponentially, along with my interest. I then became a regular to the site, and after making numerous purchases,  although the first a pair of wedges which didn't quite fit, I was hooked.

Their service is efficient; and whilst the delivery time was a bit longer previoulsy, it has now reduced from around 4 days to 1 or 2 days. I was even more impressed when I purchased some Decleor products at 3-ish one afternoon and by 8:30 the next morning the courier was ringing my doorbell to deliver! Now that's impressive! The returns process is also effortless, and only a call to their customer care is required and they collect... at no charge! A further BONUS, is that I can shop using my eBucks, and anyone who uses eBucks will tell you how amazing it feels to buy with something other than your cash , which acts like actual cash!!!

We were taken through different looks/ fashion stories by Zac for Spring and Summer, with key looks such as Sports Luxe and 90's youth still trending. Pastels also see a comeback and in contrast so does the grunge look,  for further details  on the fashion stories and more check out  the Zando website.

Thanks to Gennaro and Zac for an enjoyable morning!

Ciao for now,
RuBe xoxo

Leilah, Iptishaam, Me, Farzanah
Leigh and Sheri Lee -
Beautiful Bloggers

Gennaro doing his thing

How lucky were we to score shoes for mahala

Shoes, shoes and more shoes

Monochrome still looking good for upcoming seasons

Being a sneakerhead, these caught my attention

My outfit:

Country Road animal print jumper
ZARA denim shirt
ZARA jeans
Shoes own import
Forever New necklace
Asos studded slingbag

Ciao for ow, 
RuBe xoxo

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