Dear readers,
Exams are finally over! And I feel so relieved one would swear I had been writing these past few weeks. I am grateful to have made it through and now my home can resume its normal routine.
November has been a whirlwind, with the year starting to shut down and preparations for the new school year begin. In the same way, life starts to wind down in all aspects, people start to feel the burn of the year - that inevitable pause looming upon the horizon. Even if there is no leave, at least the public holidays provide a respite from the work routine.
Cape Town is already getting into the holiday mode. The moment the lights are up, malls are adorned in all their festive glory and the beaches start to fill, you know that vacation time has arrived! So let us all start winding down to the end of the year - enjoying the staff parties, the secret Santa exchanges and Christmas carols blaring in the stores. To those needing to do gift shopping- good luck! To those needing to entertain kids - GOOD LUCK!
Today’s look was an outfit worn to a launch and it was a real scorcher of a day although rather windy (in true Cape Town style). I was feeling summery and whimsical, so decided to pair a hat and braid with my tropical skirt and my chunky Forever New pretties.
My outfit:
Michelle Ludek top from Zando
Skirt from Legit
Woolworths hat
Forever new heels
MrP neckpiece
Gifted cuff
Ted Baker bag from Stuttafords
Giorgio Armani sunglasses from Sunglass Hut
Caio for now,
RuBe xoxo