Friday, 24 February 2017

Stages and phases

Hello lovely readers, 

With my eldest son starting University orientation this week, I have gone into reflection mode. Reflecting on the phases I've experienced, the stages through which kids progress and how fast it all happens. 
As we prepared for his week of orientation, I left him to arrange his transport, to register for classes and manage the week on his own. Monday morning he was ready to go, waiting on his lift club to collect him, with a brief hug, peck on the cheek and a hurried "Good Luck' and "Love you"... from mom, a quick "Love you too"  and he was on his way... Off onto another stage, this time with more independence and increased confidence.
And it brought back all his first days, with such a realness, I felt as if I were reliving those moments again.
His first day at nursery school, with a backpack bigger than him, all smiles and excitement. He was so easy, and so comfortable to have his grandad as principal, and thus present throughout the day. Of course, he needed to check that Grandad was there several times throughout the morning, and he really was the happiest little chap at nursery school.

His first day at Primary school started at Grade R, this time he was a little more apprehensive without the security of principal Pa. I remember feeling more anxious than he seemed, and luckily I was on maternity leave and able to be at home for a few months at least to help him adjust. Not only was he at a new school, he also had a new baby brother to 'take care of'. That year was easier than I had anticipated...
Then Grade 1 happened, the first day was quite an event, the first grandchild on both sides, and my firstborn off to school, looking adorable in his little uniform. The structure of grade 1 took some getting used to, and we used to watch him run off into the playground each morning, eager to join his friends. With a few waves to mom and dad, and a couple more glances, he would start his day.

Then came high school, a very different young teenager to the eager little boy. I was very fretful, sending my first born off to a school where he had no friends, no familiarity and at the same time still finding himself. Mum and Dad were instructed to drop him off at the gate, and leave without lingering and without waving. At least I still got a perfunctory hug and kiss before he dashed off. I was further told to avoid the sports practice fields, and wait in the car *muffled sobs*, and to stay in the car when collecting him after school.

That was a short 5 years ago, during which he went through stages of wanting me around, and then not needing me. I am grateful that the hugs have returned, the pecks on the cheek and "I love you Mom", but these are now accompanied by constant debates around rules and boundaries and fights about responsibility.

How far we have come since that first day at nursery school, the little boy who was always happy, soft natured and always a fussy eater! I pray each day that he is guided on his path and that he will always be mindful of his responsibilities as a young muslim leader.

Today's lookpost features a peasant 'coat' which ties in the front with tassles, paired with wedges and a skinny jeans. This cobalt blue and white top reminds me of simple times, and relaxed lounging. It is the perfect boho look for a chilled mom day.

Outfit details:
Glamour peasant blouse from Superbalist (shop here)
 London Hub skinny jeans from Spree (shop here)
ZARA wedges
Forever New Scarf
Make a Statement beaded earrings
Rebecca Minkhoff fringed bag

Caio for now, 
RuBe xoxo

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