Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Macaron fun with 15 on Orange and BWB

Hello lovely readers,

When I was invited to attend a macaron (not the coconut macaroons ahem!) workshop, I instantly accepted and committed to attending. Thereafter, I realised that I would be fasting at the time, but hey, I was so keen to attend. I mean two hours out of my day is doable right? And whilst I don't usually do events or anything of the sort during Ramadaan, this workshop was going to teach me to make super awesome macarons!

The set up was beautifully done, with really yummy snacks and drinks - none of which I could indulge in (thankfully I could pack a goodie bag to take home). The executive chef, Sanet, and her pastry chef, Retha, welcomed us and after mingling and quick chat with my BWB buddies, we started the demonstration of making the perfect macaron.

It really does seem so easy to make, and the actual secret is in getting the consistency just right. I mean egg whites, sugar, food colouring and ground almonds… what could go wrong right? Actually lots! The piping action, for one, has to be done at a 90 degree angle to ensure the macarons raise evenly. Secondly, the almonds, need to be so fine that it doesn’t clog the piping bag.. and so on and so on.

Aside from the technical side of making macarons, the workshop was just so much fun! I was in stitches for most parts of the morning and catching up with the ladies was the best part. What I really love about our group is all the different personalities, and how well we all fit together. 

I would like to thank Sanet for hosting us in absolute style and opening up her kitchen to a bunch of (sometimes rowdy) women. The hotel was such a beautiful setting, the perfect background to learn the art of making dainty little macarons. 

Sanet awaiting the rush of all the ladies
Retha, pastry chef and magician in my eyes

So lucky I could pack some these goodies as a takeaway

These wouldn’t as a goodie bag treat, but for obvious reasons didn’t last long!

Nicola is pretty close to making perfect macarons- so impressed!

Heather asssiting to seperate the eggs

Just add ground almonds and you have the makings of a perfect macaron

Beautiful Alice, adding the food colouring

Practising the piping on meringues

Sarah, using some elbow grease to ensure that the almonds are finely ground

Lauren, who kept repeating the new word MACARON….
Jen, drawing outlines as a template to ensure evenly sized macarons


Jens, most creative gift jar :-)

Add a bit of lippy before hitting the road….

An amazing morning spent with newly found friends!

Ciao for now, 
RuBe xoxo

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