Welcome readers!
What a blessed week we've just had, celebrating Eid midweek makes for a special week. I think school holidays contributed to it being a really relaxed buildup, where my preparations weren't rushed and everything fell effortlessly into place.
This week, I am continuing the theme of gratitude, but with a different twist. The last week of Ramadaan brought huge insights accompanied by an immense sense of inner peace. These realisations focus on how to contribute to meaningful connections, starting with my family. With life being so busy, one easily coasts through everyday, not really present, resulting in missed connections. These meaningful connections may be brief interactions with the kids or hubby, or long conversations with no distractions. This happened often during the fast, where our interactions were more than superficial platitudes (which is what one would usually get from teenagers).
I came to the understanding that if I let my kids know that they are integral to my learning and development, and that they contribute to my personal progress; as much as we do to theirs, they will approach the parent-child relationship with a different perspective. They've become more tolerant, even when I was enforcing a restriction (such as no music during Ramadaan) and were being so thoughtful to each other as siblings. There were still incidences of the sibling fights, but I have seen a tangible change in the relationships during the past month.
We have spent more time together as a family unit, as there were no social engagements, and I know pretty soon we will be back to reality of busy schedules. But I really wanted to take the time to honour the blessed time we had during this month. I believe in showing appreciation when the kids have done a small task, or made small improvements in behaviour, as it is the intention which matters. I believe that by affirming and acknowledging them, it makes them feel respected and that their effort has been appreciated.
These boys have taught me to laugh, at myself, they have brought a vibrant energy to my life, for which I am eternally grateful. And along with the frustrations, they have made me proud, made me feel accepted without judgement, and most importantly brought joy and love with a different dimension.
Thank you to my three gifts, who helped me see life with a new perspective, who showed me that life does not have be so serious all the time.
"There are two lasting gifts we can give a child.
The first is roots.
The second is wings."
And today's OOTD is one captured by my youngest son, who accompanies me often, who has long conversations with me and is such a sponge for knowledge. He attempts everything with an intensity always striving for perfection. With that intensity he has brought profound lessons for me.
This outfit features a one of a kind sequin parka, locally manufactured by Coast & Koi, who specialise in handmade bespoke shoes. This parka was the only item of clothing manufactured which I grabbed the moment I saw it. Paired with a pair of leather boots I've had in wardrobe for about 7 years, another investment piece!
Outfit details:
Coast & Koi sequin parka
Black knit (old)
Black skinny (old)
Country Road boots (old)
Michael Kors Bag
Mimco oversize link bracelet
Trenery scarf
Giorgio Armani sunglasses from Sunglass Hut
Caio for now,
RuBe xoxo
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