Friday, 28 August 2015

Longline Sweat OOTD

Dear Readers, 
Another week gone by, and hopefully everyone has reached the goals set or at least made it count. Staying focussed on your course is hard in this life of social media (read time thief), demands from outside influences all calling for your attention. With some really sad news this week, I was shocked back into the reality of the importance of taking care of oneself. This Women's month I have touched on many aspects of female empowerment, strength and the general issues which affect us. It is important to be vigilant with your body, listen to it, as any extreme stress you experience will manifest in some kind of illness.

Be Aware. Be Careful. Take regular time outs. 
As nurturers and caretakers, women multi task on a daily basis, they take care of families, hold down demanding careers, fill the role of loving spouses and at the end of of all this, if we neglect ourselves, we break a little each day. While Women's Month is drawing to an end, this just means the public awareness will end, but let the self awareness continue. 
Be Aware. Be Kind to yourself. Take regular time outs.

Today's OOTD is a casual one, reflective of time out in the garden. I love nature and being in my garden, pottering about with the flowers, relaxes my mind. The Winter sun is not so harsh, and I love the gentle warmth while pruning rose bushes and trimming creepers. It may be a small respite from the madness, but I feel a little more centred after time in nature, and ready to pick up the never ending to do list.
All pieces in this outfit are recent purchases on the Woolworths SA sale and can be taken into Spring, I usually find my sneakers in the junior section (they cost less then- score!)

Have a good weekend, and ladies... try to take that essential time out. xx

My outfit:
Country Road Sweat top (shop similar here)
Woolworths leggings (shop similar here)
Adidas ZA Sneakers
Scarfstop scarf (old)
Zibastyles shoulder chain
Swarovski bracelet from Spilhaus (shop here)
Pauls Boutique Bag (old) [purchase here - on sale]
Ciao for now,
RuBe xoxo

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