Friday, 24 June 2016

It's not you, it's me

Happy Friday lovelies!

This week marks the end of school term and the start of the school holidays, may we all survive these next two weeks!!

It's not you, its me... these words are renowned for being said in bad situations...

As mentioned before, this month is one for rejuvenation for the soul, and I reflect on ways to become a better version of myself, for the sake of my creator, as a wife, as a mum and as I interact with the world around me. The realisation I have been sitting with for a while is that when something happens to upset the balance, the best way to deal with it is to reflect on my part in the occurrence. I make a conscious choice to instead focus on the lesson to be learnt from the matter, depsite it being negative, as there will be an outcome which will strengthen me. 
What has been a profound understanding for me, is that when there are things that annoy, upset or irritate me, it is more a reflection of me than it is the other person. I have had to sit with a few situations where I did this exercise and found it to be the absolute truth. Earlier this week I shared this quote: 

"Unless you learn to face your own shadows,you will continue to see them in others.Because the world outside you is on a reflection of the world inside you." -Unknown

It has rung true in so many ways, in fact, it cements the concept of no judgement, and instead focussing on being a better person for yourself. It really doesn't matter what the next person is doing, as they too are on a path, whichever one that may be. The past couple of weeks, I have read and heard so many stories of traumatic experiences that others have endured. As I digested the information it occurred to me that every person has had an ordeal which has shaped their reality. And there are so many who have survived some kind of misery, who feel alone and as if nobody understands where they are. When in fact, everyone walks around with a variation of trauma, from childhood abuse, bullying, body image disorders, absent parents, terminal illnesses etc - and there only a few who use these hardships to boost themselves to shape a constructive future.  The best way to effect a positive change is to just be the best version of yourself, celebrate others and their achievements and lend a helping hand where possible. This in turn will bring a turnaround of a positive nature, and the lessons learnt from hardships have strengthened and taught many new skills to live confidently. It is such a waste of time and energy to feel envious, to sabotage and manipulate. 

Imagine the examples we will be able to set for the next generation! 

To reiterate the theme of introspection, which is an alone space, today's lookpost was shot at an abandoned and deserted spot. But the beauty that it can present on an image is indicative that everything is not always all bad nor all good, splendour can be found in the most unlikely places.
The OOTD, features a suede biker jacket, an old pleated maxi and finished off with leopard print sneakers. An unusual ensemble, to reflect the fact that we're all individuals and that it's all right to be our true authentic selves.  

My outfit:
Superbalist suede jacket (shop here)
Old pleated maxi skirt
Adidas ZA sneakers
H & M Floral top
Zibastyles necklace
Old Khaki scarf
Ralph Lauren sunglasses from Sunglass Hut (Bali)
Valentino handbag purchased on a cruise liner

Caio for now, 
RuBe xoxo

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