Monday, 9 November 2015

Fashion & A Cup of Tea - THE EVENT

Hi lovely readers, 

It’s been two weeks since we hosted our high tea, and I’d like to start off by first saying thank you. 
Our guests, speakers, spouses, kids, sponsors and models made the day a huge success. It really was a fun afternoon filled with all things girly, from make up, to health, hair and fashion, and not forgetting the amazing food and accessories on display. 
Leading up to the day, things were rather busy and there were so many last minute ticket orders; and un/fortunately we sold out - but hopefully if you missed out on this one, you’ll make the next. 

I kind of put all my boys to work for this event!
Setting up 
Music setup in background by my eldest, as I said all hands on deck
Some of the beautiful guests and speakers

The afternoon kicked off with a health and wellness chat from Roshan Isaacs, MD of Style Africa who is also a health and wellness coach. She imparted some helpful (and important) tips on staying healthy, the ideal weight and lifestyle. She was followed by Qaanita Abrahams from OnQ Makeup who performed a make up demonstration on a light Summer make up look. She also touched on contouring and strobing - the latest make up trends. If you’re keen on attending one of her workshops, it would absolutely be money well spent- read more about that here.

Qaanita 0746027485

Roshan is an amazing woman who inspires everywhere she goes
Qaanita makes makeup application look effortless

We then had the charismatic, Yaaseen Cader chatting about hair care, and the best way to blowdry your hair. I have to admit that I followed his instructions on how to blowdry, ie roughly, using your fingers to comb through and end of with an upside down flip and dry. It really works, especially if your hair is as fine as mine. When faced with the question of addressing hijabi hair problems, he recommended ensuring your hair receives sufficient airing! He had our guests laughing out loud at some of his outrageous language, but that just added a fun edge to the afternoon. Even when he declared that the Brazilian is actually just a fancy word for a relaxer! With some added to chemicals to alter the smell, but anything which changes the natural composition of the hair has to be a relaxer, one might as well use Wella, he says. 
Guests were gifted with vouchers to redeem at his salon in the lifestyle centre, The Palms, in Sir Lowry Road.

Yaaseen 0729875373

Of course no event is complete without some giveaways. 
Sponsored by:
            1. Rebel Funk Accessories (accessories hamper)
            2. Carribean Tan (products)
            3. RuBe’s Closet (3 hour wardrobe consultation)
            4. Protea Hotel Breakwater Lodge (one nights accommodation and breakfast for two)

Happy Prize Winners
I then proceeded to do the live styling demo on one of our models, Imrah. I used three key pieces (i.e pieces I would recommend as a necessary injection into the wardrobe for SS15/16) from A Sense of Style’s collection, demonstrated and chatted on how to wear them in various ways. 
We styled the white shirtdress, which Imrah first wore with flat tan sandals for a daytime look. I then changed her flats for heels and an exquisite neckpiece from Rebelfunk for a Summer evening look, add a clutch and voila! For more modest coverage I added the white slim jeans (not too tight, although it would work with a white jegging too), rolled back sleeves and sneakers for a modest casual look.
I did the same with the kimono and chatted through various ways to wear this essential piece. The bright colours and light flowy fabrics ensures its an easy layering piece to make a statement. 
And finally, my favourite piece of the collection was the black belted kimono, which I urged Aaliah (designer behind A Sense of Style) despite her protestations, to model for me- and even though she was not wearing a preferable base to layer this piece we made it work. We then illustrated the versatility of this piece, which could also be worn in various ways. The white contrast belt and light fabric really makes this item a must have.

And then… Onto the fashion show, introducing A Sense of Style’s SS15/16 collection

A tender moment between Aaliah and her seamstress, Bonita

And then it was shopping, more eating, catching up with old friends and meeting all the lovely ladies who actually read my blog!

Bottom Left: Aaliah and I with our guys- who by the way worked just as hard behind the scenes!
Hubby ensured I had loads of photos to share, Faeez was the resident errand guy :-D 
All the divine eats were catered and presented by Annie’s Kitchen, you may contact Aneeqah Kilshaw-Dollie on 0789672140.
Check out her Instagram account here

All neck pieces used on models in the fashion show, sponsored by Rebel Funk 
Contact Farah Ariefdien on 0833578452 
Check out her Facebook page here 

List of Goodie Bag Sponsors to whom I would like to extend a special thanks: 
Associated Media
RAIN Africa
Cader Hair Salon
A Sense of Style
Annie’s Kitchen
The Key Boutique
The lovely ladies from Woolworths V & A  Beauty Counters:
Asco Fragrances - Gucci (Nazley)
Smash Box (Shameegah)
Gatineau (Shandre)
Prestige Fragrances -Elie Saab (Warda)
Sampar (Crena)
Lancome (Kyla)
Clarins (Roxy)

Ciao for now, 
RuBe xoxo

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