Friday, 6 March 2015

The Script OOTN

Dear Lovely readers,

Another week, even more hectic and a sick kid to contend with, and while Fridays don’t usually mean  a relaxed weekend for a mum, I’m glad it’s here! 
This month I’m really looking forward to the Michael Buble concert, I have always been a huge fan,  I thought I’d share a bit about last months The Script concert. 

This was my second time seeing this pop rock band, and I have been moved by their music since “We Cry” hit the airwaves. Since then I have bought every single album and thoroughly enjoy their ballads which reveals their Irish roots. They totally blew my socks off, and there was no better place to be than Golden Circle. Especially when Danny jumped off stage and entered the crowd, but alas, I was a mere arms length from him and couldn’t get any closer :-(

I  have an intense love of music, and change the genre I listen to depending on my mood. It helps calm me down when I’m seething, and so angry I could scream. When I feel down, it can perk me up, and certain songs will bring back memories which are endearing and special and sometimes funny. 

Today’s look is my outfit I wore to the concert, comfort being top of mind. I paired a ‘concert’ ZARA t-shirt with Gap skinny jeans and the really funky Zibastyles shoulder chain to add some edge.

Outfit details:

ZARA t-shirt
Gap skinny Jeans
Mr P flannel shirt
Accessorize slingbag
Converse sneakers
Ziba Styles shoulder chain
Tifaany & Co earrrings (anniversary gift)
Boho marks tattoo bought in Knysna
Giorgio Arman sunglasses from Sunglass Hut
Cotton On Peak cap

Caio for now, 
RuBe xoxo


  1. U go lukin awesum !! Wow shoulder chain I want and must hav. music lover myself heal our moods , feelings ect. Love ur post :)

  2. You look freaking awesome!

  3. Love the shoulder chains! I saw some pretty ones at Lovisa (I think) and like the boho feeling they can give an outfit :)
