Friday, 27 March 2015

Happy/Sad VS OOTD

Dear readers, 

The day has dawned where I have to send my firstborn off into the big wide world, to spend two weeks a couple of thousand kilometers away! As a parent, I realise that these moments are inevitable,  it just creeps up on one way too fast. But I will be strong, and this will be good for him. He will learn new things and how to cope on his own, he will absorb new cultures and experience playing sport as an ambassador for his school. I CAN do this, he CAN do this!

Today also happens to be my baby’s 11th birthday, talk about an eventful day :-D It really warmed my heart to see Ziyaad give his baby brother a special birthday gift, as a consolation for departing ON this special day. Such little moments of thoughtfulness are rare, especially with a home full of sparring boys. At times like this I feel as if I have done things right with these little people, so I’m savouring this feeling for now. Until the next row breaks out (sigh)

On farewell:

My son., 
I stroke your cheek
Once so smooth and now corrupted
By little invasive fuzziness.

I imagine the days of catering to your every single basic need, 
To feeding you, changing you, reading to you,
I imagine all your first moments,

And it dawns on me that this will be added to that library of firsts. 
Your first solo trip abroad, 
My heart skips a beat just thinking of it.

I will not let the little droplets betray my anguish, 
I will not let the salty trail find its way down my cheeks, 
I will smile, I will be brave and send you on your way.

I will send a piece of my heart on its way, 
To dwell in hostels and sports fields. 
And trust that it will return stronger, grown up and still filled with love.

Today’s lookpost was photographed by my birthday boy, Ihsaan ( he has some skills for an 11 year old no?). 

Love you lots my special little man ❤️

Outfit details:

Victoria Secret t-shirt purchased abroad
Stylemology blazer and heels
Woolworths jeggings
Country Road Slingbag
Bracelets by Tiffany & Co, Nomination and Zando

Caio for now,
RuBe xoxo


  1. Hi u look amazing , looov ur outfit & shoe 2 and Mubarak 2 ur son sweet and beautifull poem :)

  2. I love your Jacket...
