Friday, 14 February 2014

An ode to my Valentine

This post is rather delayed, but since it’s Valentine’s Day I thought it the perfect time to share our anniversary celebrations and spread a little love…

The clebrations were secret and the only details hubby shared was that I needed to be comfortable, and to not wear the highest heels, and to be ready early morning. It was school holidays and the boys were rather bummed at being left behind, feeling a bit excluded from our plans.

To my great delight, he had planned a scenic helicopter trip, followed by a super relaxing massage at the Amani Spa at the Radisson, finished off with lunch at my favourite restaurant Tobago’s.

The helicopter trip was an item on my bucket list, one which we both just didn’t have the time to get to, so I was really impressed he chose this to celebrate our 18 years of marriage. It was spectacular, a bit windy of course, but nonetheless absolutely breathtaking. I know I always say this, but I love my city, the vibes, the sights and the culture.

It’s such a special thing to be able to celebrate 18 years of marriage, its become so common to hear of divorce that it makes me thankful everyday for what we share. It comes with challenges definitely, but that’s what its about, dealing with misunderstandings and knowing that your desire to be together outweighs all the other little things which can be classified as unimportant noise.

And now for some necessary corny sentiments (it is Valentine’s Day afterall!)

For you, my Valentine:

“Thank You Mr Right, for being my best friend & confidant,
My sounding board, companion and co-driver along this path of life,
For being a part of the tumultuous journey of raising three young men,
For keeping me sane in times of insanity,
For being my safety net when I fall down,
And my antidote for the poisons in my life,
It has been an adventure of note, and I pray that there will be many more adventures to come.
Forever forward and upward, together.”

Not forgetting the photos of this most enjoyable day!

My outfit:

Cotton On Top
Guess Denim Jacket
Woolworths White pants
Nine West espadrilles
Forever New neckpiece
Paul’s Boutique overseas purchase
Dolce & Gabanna Sunnies

Ciao for Now,

RuBe xoxo


  1. Beautiful city indeed....and those shoes!!!!! I am smitten :-) Lovely lovely post...

  2. Such a beautiful post Rushda,especially the poem. May you be blessed with many more years of happiness Insha Allah xx -Shafeeqa

  3. Such a beautiful post Rushda,especially the poem. May you be blessed with many more years of happiness Insha Allah xx -Shafeeqa

  4. Oh my word!!! That must have been SO much fun!!!

  5. Love this post, so sweet! May the next 20 years together be even better than the last ��
