Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Hello cooler weather

I love the cooler weather, the chill in the air brings with it ,thoughts of fleece lined blankets, hot chocolate and duvet days. Time to bring out the layers, long boots, chunky knits, woollen scarves and beanies.

The reality of winter is, my kids play winter soccer (aargh), which actually means layers and layers of warm clothing. It actually means rising really early in the cold , the duvet day/ weekend nothing but a dream, and cheering from the sidelines. I unfortunately have to settle for that hot chocolate in the rain, wearing waterproof clothing, gloves....and scarves...and beanies and anything to keep out the chill. And of course the umbrella and Wellies are never too far off. We've been spending our Saturday mornings in this fashion for almost 10 years, so its already a way of life.

So I've started to haul out some winter warmers... By the way, there are amazing deals on boots right now its hard making a choice...Pity I can't have it all! I also have so many from previous seasons, which will fit in perfectly with latest trends.

Here I have paired a Woolworths boyfriend cardi, with leather look pockets with a skinny jeans and Country Road boots bought a few winters ago.

I am wearing:

Beanie, Jeans, Cardigan all from Woolworths
T-Shirt by Linx (Zando)
Boots Country Road
Louis Vuitton scarf
Suede bag by Country Road

Ciao for now,


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