Friday, 6 June 2014

Hijab Fashion Week SA Day One

Calling all modest fashionistas!

Sunday was the first day of Hijab Fashion Week, and I posted previously in the lead up to the event here.

Timed perfectly with Ramadaan coming up, the event gives all the attendees a chance to browse the designer rails for some Eid outfits, or even just daily outfit pieces. Have a lovely cup of tea and biscuits whilst eyeing the hijab pins and beaded accessories courtesy of Wimsy.

Or just relax on the bespoke designer furniture manufactured by DAG Exclusive Furniture enjoying the atmosphere or having a quiet chat with buddies before the fashion show.

Mushrah Hartley, editor of Modest Muse online magazine was the beautiful MC, keeping the crowd entertained and doing lucky draws and handing out spot prizes.

The models then started strutting down the aisle (rather than a runway), as Mushrah says more of a fashion experience than a fashion show. Ladies were encouraged to touch and feel the fabric, they could see the designs up close and chat to the designers after the show. Overall, it was a very ‘intimate’ kind of fashion show with fashion to suit every modest fashionistas taste.

I’d like to extend a huge thank yo to Abashiya Achilles, from Fabulous in Hijab for being the driving force behind this amazing initiative. 

So if you’ve missed out, there will be another show this weekend, head on down to DAG Exclusive Furniture if you need some Eid inspiration or just need to shop - its also perfectly timed to immediately after payday!

Without sharing too much of the designs, you’d need to there this weekend to see the real deal, I thought I’d share some photos of the event to inspire you to support the designers.

Stunning showroom at DAG Exclusive Furniture

Getting ready for the show

Adding some prettiness to her hijab

Our eloquent MC, Mushrah Hartley

Opportunity to do some shopping prior to the show

Some beautiful Wimsy accessories on sale

Hijab pins also by Wimsy

Of course, no event is complete without tea and butter biscuits

Some ladies just relaxed in the stunning setting

Tickets are available at the door, if you’re unsure but hurry as this is the last weekend that Hijab Fashion Week will showcase these designs in one convenient location!

Ciao for now, 
RuBe xoxo

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