Friday, 10 December 2021

A Quarter Century plus One

 Hi lovelies, 

It's been ages since I even ventured to this page and 'penned' my thoughts, this space, which is usually where I go to to express my thoughts. However, I have been re-reading my older posts, and re-visiting some of my insights and revelations which I have experienced along my journey. 

But this week, my upcoming anniversary felt like the right time to return. This month is always a reflective one, where I look back at the year that has passed, and years before that. I use this time to see how much I have grown, how my family has flourished; and to give gratitude for every single blessing Algamdulilah. This is a period of reset for me, and despite the current challenges faced in my industry, I take stock of my intentions and plans (usually set during the month of Ramadaan) and continue to look ahead. 

Today marks my 26th anniversary, our celebratory vacation last year was cancelled, this year we had planned it for early in 2022 and I remain hopeful that we will get to travel soon again InshaAllah. As I sat and contemplated this past year (in fact the past two), I am humbled at the blessings and favours that have been bestowed upon me through this time. There were times where I broke down, tears streaming down my face as I prayed for guidance and strength. There were occasions when husby had to pick me up, console me, talk me through the trials I faced, and just be there for me at my lowest moments. And through these lows, I have persevered, WE have persevered, and grown in mutual understanding. Our family unit has bonded and become closer, taking care to continue

So today's post is one of humble gratitude, for the trials we have weathered together, and more importantly, the deepening friendship and love that has accompanied us on this journey over the past two years. When lockdown hit, we were placed in each other's space 24/7, and since we haven't returned to office, we've continued working from home, together. If we can make it through almost two years of being around each other for 2 years... we  can make it through anything

I therefore dedicate this post to my long-time partner, my soul mate, best friend, cheerleader and sounding board. For all the patience, dedication and commitment you have towards us and our family. 

My love,

As the sands of time pass by, 

We become more entwined, more in sync;

Our thoughts mirrored in the other, 

Comforted by understanding of the road the other has travelled.

These months have tested our resolve, 

It has shown us the beauty of Divine Love and Blessing, 

These months have taught us the essence of faith and humility. 

And through it

We have grown, as individuals, as a partnership, as a family unit;

We have grown as parents and our charges have shown us the light. 

Our days have been uncertain, still is; 

But what is certain is that I'll be in your corner, 

And you in mine, 

Quietly supporting and loudly applauding.

I remain in awe of the blessing you have brought to my life,

Constantly aware of how my my Creator loves me, 

To have placed you on my path. 

I remain honoured to be by your side, 

Through thick and thin, 

As you fight for us and our family...

As you love us unconditionally, 

Keep us safe and as you serve us with your entire being.

I love you, 


I love you, 

to Infinity

Happy Anniversary my Rock 


Caio for now,

RuBe xoxo

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